Let’s make a PDF!
If you are working in Word docs, to save as a PDF, all you’ll need to do is Go to FILESAVE AS, and DOWNLOAD as a PDF.  
Easy stuff.
If you’re working in Google docs, you’ll want to make sure you have Word (or the Office suite of applications) on your computer in order to save the doc as PDF.  THIS IS ESSENTIAL.
An easy check here in Google docs to see if you have Word installed already:  In Google docs, go to FILE, DOWNLOAD, PDF Document.
Now take a look at the file you just downloaded: do you see the comments you made on your peer’s work?  If so, just follow the steps above to make a PDF.
If not, you’ll need to get Office (Word) installed.  This should be easy enough: Go to your UNE email, click on the upper left hand corner where it looks like a checker board, click on OFFICE 365, and it should take you to a screen to INSTALL OFFICE.  If you follow these steps, you should be all set.   